Thursday, 28 April 2011

Super Monkey

How do you make a super monkey?
Maybe a little like this...

This is Calypso (age 4 ) with her super duper monkey- hurrah!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Cardboard Robot MASK!

So it seems that masks are all the rage!
Dan made a monkey mask, and now, thanks to Daisy there is now a TOTALLY GLORIOUS  ROBOT MASK too!

Look at it! Blummin Ace!

Julia, Daisy's mum says " Daisy saw Dan's monkey mask and thought we should make a robot mask out of our Muller Light Yoghurt 6 pack packaging. We added corrugated cardboard for his neck. And pipe cleaner twirled around a pencil as the  'fing that is the wobot's bwain'. He is 'finking about stars' apparently (star stickers on his forehead, see)."

Thank you Daisy!

Julia is a bit of a wonder and has an amazing blog with creative delights to follow and be inspired by, have a look here ADVENTURES AT HOME

We'd just Love to see it, please thank you

Monday, 4 April 2011

Cardboard Robot out today & some more AMAZING artwork!

So Book 2 in the Monkey & Robot series, Cardboard Robot, is out in the shops today.
In honour of that I'm thrilled to share some more cardboard creations...

As you can see, Monkey & Robot have been drawn here on the back of a cereal packet, but what will it be turned into?...

Thanks to Dan (aged 4) and his mum Alice for these incredible photos! Apparently Dan insisted on the topless photo! If you've read the book, I'd like to think, that maybe Dan took inspiration from 'Super Monkey'!

So, if you happen to make a cardboard Robot, draw a picture of monkey or just do something generally monkey/robot-ish take a photo and email
and get featured.... can't wait!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Monkey & Robot : 3 days to go!...again (before 'official' publication!)

So, Cardboard Robot will soon be out in the shops...but I understand that some people have already received their copies- hurrah!
I know this for a fact, because I have been sent an AMAZING photo of a very special homemade cardboard robot!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you.....
"Glitter Robot" (seen below with his pal Robot!)

This FANTASTIC Glitter Robot was created by Jenny (aged nearly 3, pictured) & her lovely mum Rachel.
Thank you soooooooo much.

Cardboard Robot will be in a book shop near you on monday, but if you can't wait till then
click here to BUY IT! (Don't forget to leave a customer review, once you've read it)

So, if you happen to make a cardboard Robot, draw a picture of monkey or just do something generally monkey/robot-ish take a photo and email
and get featured.... can't wait!